Although stimulus money is primarily directed at infection control surveys, ASCs are being closed or threatened with closure in 43 states for non-compliance with new CMS regulations as well as infection control problems.
Last year Medicare released new interpretive guidelines and changes to the federal regulations governing ambulatory surgery centers. Are you ready for a surprise inspection?
ASCs that fail an inspection are given only 10 days to prepare a plan of correction, a plan that may take hours to write and a plan that may require elements and procedures that your ASC does not currently employ. If the plan of correction is accepted, you will have less than a month to prepare for another survey in which all elements of the plan of correction must be implemented. If you do not meet these requirements, you will lose your Medicare certification and possibly your state license.
Will your ASC be next? Are you ready to meet all requirements of these new regulations and interpretations? Is your ASC accredited? If not, you are more likely to receive one of these surprise inspection.
Ortmann Healthcare Consulting Services has already helped one ASC in Louisiana successfully prepare a plan of correction, but why wait until your center is at risk? We can check out your ASC now, before your center is in trouble. Call us today for more information.